Friday, May 27, 2011

A Glimpse Into Our Garden

Two rows of potatoes.
This is our first year for potatoes.
So far not bad!

Close up potato plant

Onions among the weeds.
The first day it doesn't rain here I will be out weeding!

Cucumber plant


Can you see the tomato cages? They're out there!
Gonna have to replant the tomatoes.
They didn't take the cold weather & hail too well.

Green beans


4 zucchini plants on this hill.
4 more on another hill.

We also have carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, green peppers, jalapeno peppers & banana peppers planted.
As soon as I distinguish them from the weeds I will post pics of those.

A River Runs Through It

Our backyard in northern Indiana:

This is the northeast side of our yard.

My poor garden! Can you see my 4 rows of corn?

The northern side of the yard.
The neighbors driveway goes right up the middle of the water in this pic!

The water rushing into the ditch in the back yard.

The small walk-across bridge in the back yard.
The water doesn't usually touch the bottom of the bridge.
This is still the ditch!

The poor tree is drowning!

These were taken on Monday. The water in the yard & hay field are gone now but the ditch is still sounding like a waterfall.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mr. Edwards

"That woman would make a train take a dirt road".

I love his character!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Thought To Remember

Wisdom is learning that new and thrilling can't hold a candle to old and familiar.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

$75/wk Grocery Trip & Late Mother's Day Gift


23 oz. Herbal Essence conditioner $5.47
8 oz. Purell Hand Sanitizer  $.65
1 lb. strawberries  $2.00
2.18 lb. bananas  $.85
2 tubes biscuits  $1.00
1.77 lb. tomatoes  $2.64
Cucumber  $.74
10-1 lb. boxes Creamette pasta  $4.90
2-1/2 gallons of milk  $2.50
10 lb. potatoes  $2.99  (not pictured)

Subtract coupons:

Total:  $23.67


3 pk. Puffs Plus  $4.97
6 cups Yoplait yogurt  $3.48
32 oz. Yoplait yogurt  $2.27
Hamburger buns  $.88
Hot dog buns  $.88
4 cans pork n' beans  $2.00
Baking cocoa  $2.48
4 boxes pudding mix  $1.92
Family Size Lay's chips  $3.48
4-5 lb. bags flour  $5.92
2 cans hot dog sauce  $1.00
5 lb. bag rice  $3.12
AquaNet hairspray  $1.94
2 pk. Right Guard deodorant  $3.78
Mini bread loaf pans  $1.42

Subract Coupons:

Total:  $39.99

GRAND TOTAL:  $63.46 (under budget!)

And here is my "better late than never" Mother's Day gift from our outside kitties:

Someone bit it's head. It was dead.

My response?



Friday, May 6, 2011

Frugal Friday Tip

How to remove the cap on a Swiffer Wet-Jet cleaner bottle

 Here's how to remove the cap on your swiffer wet-jet bottle that makes it impossible to refill and causes you to have to purchase more of their product. You'll need a pair of fingernail clippers and a pot of boiling watter (and the bottle of course).

Step 1  Removing The Cap

In a small pot, bring just enough water to cover the cap to a boil. Once you've brought it to a boil, place the bottle, cap first, into the water. After about a minute and a half, remove the bottle from the water, and give the cap a good, hard twist. It should pop right off as the boiling water will have softened the plastic cap.

Making the Cap PERMANENTLY Removeable.

When you get the cap off, you'll see that it has a number of prongs which cause it to catch on the bottle. With a pair of fingernail clippers, remove these prongs. You could also use an exacto knife, or even a razor blade.

Step 3  Refill the Bottle

Now you're ready to refill the bottle with your cleaner of choice. Vinegar and Water, Pine-sol, or anything else you may want to clean your floors with. Place the cap back on the bottle firmly and mop away!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Thought To Remember

To be a giving person, you don't need to give in, but there's much you must give up.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

An Adjustment

Yay! The rest of my family comes home today!
Being alone is not very fun!
I'm almost 37 yrs. old & can say that I've never been alone before.
This fall my youngest will be attending school after being homeschooled for 6 yrs & my oldest will be working & attending college.
I haven't worked in like 10 yrs.

What will I do with all of my time?

I'll probably start painting faces on volley balls for companionship!

Wilson from the movie

Yeah I'm going to go insane if I have to spend all day with myself!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

$75 Grocery Trip


4 half gallons milk  $5
2 bottles Suave hairspray  $4.34
35 lb. Tidy Cat litter  $11.49
48 rolls Charmin  $11.99
1 gal. canola oil  $7.58
Suave frizz cream  $2.74
Suave conditioner  $1.38
32 oz. Yoplait yogurt  $2.27
Cooking oil  $1.74
600 ct. napkins  $3.48
2-5 lb. bags flour  $2.96
2 lb. strawberries  $2.50
Bacon bits  $1.46
6 cups Yoplait yogurt  $3.00
2-5 lb. bags sugar  $4.98

Subtract coupons:

Total:  $71.23


6-2 lts. Pepsi products

Total:  $6.35

Grand Total:  $77.58